It was bound to happen sooner or later.
Between walking through the buildup of pollutants one expects to find in a big city,
breathing the trapped air circulating and recirculating in the tube stations,
and forgetting to shut my windows before bed when half the building
chain smokes through most of the night on the sidewalk outside, (Albeit five stories down but inexplicably upwind from my apartment.)
I've developed a bit of a sore throat and a cough.
Throat Coat herbal tea from Traditional Medicinals (which I had the foresight to bring with me) took care of the first part, and a trip to the chemist will hopefully take care of the second as I returned with this:

They also sell a formula for "chesty" coughs should things go south. But with an adjective like "tickly", one can't help but feel a little better right away.
I only love.