Friday, January 09, 2009

Flashback Fridays

On New Year's Day, I was doing some troubleshooting on my Grandma Brady's computer when a slip of paper tacked to her bulletin board caught my eye. It was in her handwriting, and it said:

I can't remember. A big chunk of my history will be buried with me. My past will disappear.

I'm not sure if it was original thought, or if she read it somewhere, but it got me thinking about how horrific I am at keeping a journal. One of my resolutions is to be better from here on out, but that doesn't help with the past.

Enter Flashback Fridays.

On Fridays (hopefully every Friday), I will post a picture, description and some fun facts about my life. Sometimes they will be funny, sometimes not so much. Sometimes they may interest you, sometimes you won't care.

But I don't want my past to disappear...


brittany said...

Yay, I'm excited! That's a great idea!

Lauren Davison said...

Oooh! I like that idea! I used to be so good in Jr. High and high school, but not so much anymore...