Friday, September 15, 2006

August 2006

Let's just consider this my "wake me up when september is half-way through" period.


Annegirl said...

haha. Perhaps less known than Picasso's blue period...but none the less valuable, I've no doubt. =)

Erika said...

Hey Megan, can I borrow your Gilmore Girls DVDs??? Corey is in class late two nights a week and I need something to keep me from being lonely. I can't believe you have all 5!!! That's something I aspire to. You know that season six came out this week? Yeah. For serious.
I'll look up your number and give you a call. We should have all you over for dinner or something anyway. :)

Adriane said...

I agree, Erika! =P

meagan said...

I know, I'm saving my pennies for the 6th one; it should go on sale at Costco in a few months. For sure you can borrow them, just give me a call or shoot me an email and we'll meet up. I pretty much live on campus so that's the best place for me, maybe I can make a handoff to Corey or something (:

and dinner would be awesome!