Friday, November 21, 2008

vocal point

I apologize for the quality of this pic, I took it with my phone. I'd like to point out the lack of heads in the foreground though.

That's right. Annie scored us front row seats.

I now know how the beatboxer projects all the glottal stop base beats (really cool). And that they all make really funny faces. And that those stage lights are really hot. Yep, we could really see them.

They could really see us too. Which made taking this pic really awkward...



Erika said...

Aw, makes me miss Jimmy. And you. And thanks for not telling about what you thought about while draining tuna.

Lauren Davison said...

Why, I do believe I'm jealous....

Annegirl said...

Yay! I'm so glad you had fun. :) I've been singing those songs ever since. Plus also I think I got Dan addicted. Buah ha ha.