Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Top Ten Reasons Why There Isn't Supposed To Be SNOW On My Front Lawn:

10. Because we live in a desert.
9. Because snow was SO last season.
8. Because we're already at half the average rainfall for this month and I'm positive that number is TOTALLY skewed by the whole Noah's Ark incident.
7. Because I did my hair today.
6. Because I couldn't find my window scraper this morning.
5. Because I'm sure I'm developing Rickets.
4. Because we just planted my mom flowers for Mother's Day.
3. Because I left my window open last night.
2. Because Vanessa Williams says JUNE not MAY.
1. Because I just bought LOTS and LOTS of cute new new flip-flops that are getting VERY lonely.


Tiff said...

1) Because Vanessa Williams song has not come true yet
2) Because I miss bike riding
3) Because I want to look out the window and see the sun
4) Because of part of me says I shouldn't be wearing a winter coat in MAY and I listen to that inner voice so I'm freezing!

In other words, AMEN!

Annegirl said...

1) Because I had to drive POJ today! ARGHHHH!!!!!!

I'm glad somebody blogged about the snow.

Adriane said...

I wanted to say Amen, but Tiff took it already...oh well. After standing in icy wind and rain for 4 hours yesterday, I think I'm ready for the sun to come up.

Anonymous said...


I am sorry to cause you strife. I really did not think that it would be so adversly negative. I really do like the snow. I did not think that others would not. I only wanted a pretty snowfall. I promise that I will stop requesting it from Above.

Annegirl said...

Like we don't know who that is. ;)

Adriane said...

Huh...who likes snow...and cold temperatures, and would be constantly requesting them both from above? I just don't know. The writing style is familiar though.

Maria said...

this is getting old. i even wore a sweatshirt yesterday.

meagan said...

*Gasp, Faint, Die!*
Who are you and what happened to my old roommate?!?!?

Adriane said...

Hey Maria, remember that one time that you wore my coat and you were cold and I wasn't. Yeah. That was gweat (that means I'm talking like Homestar. That's all).

Maria said...

naw...don't die Meagan. I was trying to discredit the rumors that were surfacing that I was the anonymous person.

As for Adriane... I believe that at some point in my life that little incident will fade into the recess of my memory. As for you, it may be the only thing that you will be able to recall when you are 85.

Maria said...

*recall about me!


Adriane said...

Pah! Yeah right. Remember the time you stuck a skirt over my head and kidnapped me from the apartment?

Erika said...

It snowed?

Annegirl said...

Meagan, have you worn your flip flops, yet? I hope so. In other news, I miss you.